Homework will be sent on Friday alternating weeks, maths then English on paper. To be completed and returned by following Thursday.
Spellings will be introduced to children on a Monday. Spelling test will be on Friday. Please encourage your children to use Spelling Shed to practise.
PE: Children to come to school in their P.E kits on their designated days. Please ensure that your child comes appropriately dressed following school PE dress code. Year 5 P.E days: Tuesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor)
Charlton Class
Newton Class
Details of the Year 5 learning journey can be found here: Year 5 - What we're learning
Please note, this page will be updated termly, so please keep checking back.
We are so excited to be learning about the Greeks this term. We are reading and studying 'The Adventures of Odysseus' in English as part of our brilliant 'Who let the Gods out?' topic. During the term we will explore the Ancient Greeks and the influence they have had on today's society.
In Science we explore through a variety of investigations and practical science
lessons forces and Earth and space. Keep an eye on MyEd and we will share with you many activities the children experience this term.
Through our ‘properties of materials’ unit, the children will be working scientifically to investigate which materials have the best properties for a task. We will look at what makes the best materials for food preparation, packaging and keeping items hot to cold.
Autumn 2, we will be covering 'changes in materials'. Children will be planning their own investigations looking at soluble solutions and separating solutions. Asking question such as ‘Do all liquids make nails rust?’. Over a number of days, we will been observing different liquids and how they change an iron nail.
Whole Class Reading:
Year 5 will be delving deep into a range of texts during whole class reading. Books we will be reading this term are:
• Way Home by Libby Hathorn
• Beetle Boy by M.G Leonard
We will use a range of guided reading tasks related to our reading dogs such as: Retrieval Rex, Vocabulary Victor, Prediction Pip, Summarising Sheba and Inference Iggy.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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