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Curriculum Intent statement for Computing

Technology enhances collaborative learning opportunities, engages pupils, enables them to access rich content, supports conceptual understanding of new ideas and supports the needs of all pupils, regardless of ability. It is through the Weddington Computing curriculum, and the Purple Mash learning platform, that every child will learn how to safely and responsibility access the wealth of benefits afforded by technology.

Children will be able to work confidently with computational terms and programming, use a variety of programs to achieve their goals and be able to use technology to communicate effectively. They will debug programs for control and simulation purposes; use sequence, selection and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output devices and use logical reasoning to explain how some algorithms work. Children from Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to Key Stage 2 (KS2) will be able to support their learning through internet research and present their findings in a variety of ways. Children will all know how to keep themselves safe as they navigate the digital world and will know what action to take if they become unsafe online. They will be able to apply their learning to a variety of real-life situations, using it to problem solve and achieve their aims.

Computing at Weddington

Computing Visitors

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