Please see the document below regarding Weddington's Local Area visits.
In the Autumn term, Year 4 had been learning all about the history of transport in our History lessons, so in December we visited the Coventry Transport Museum. The children found the visit very informative as we had the chance to look at vehicles from the past all the way to the present. As a special treat, we even had the chance to go on a vehicle simulator, which showed the fastest car in the world. In the workshop we programmed art bots to draw a design, the children worked amazingly in their teams. The children were absolute superstars throughout the day and we all really enjoyed our visit to the Transport Museum.
Reception visited the Winter Wonderland at the Snowdome during the Autumn term. The children had so much fun and had the opportunity to play in the snow, watched Santas 'Jack and the Beanstalk' show and visited Santas village! We learned all about Winter and how there are different signs from Autumn. Also, we learned further about the celebration of Christmas! The children were so well behaved on their first ever trip and we are really proud of them.
In geography this half-term, Year 5 are learning about land use in our local area. We went on a local walk around Weddington and sketched what we could see around us. We then identified the many types of land use we had seen including recreational, residential and agricultural land use.
To support their World War 2 learning, Year Six visited the National Memorial Arboretum. On their visit they discovered the significance of the memorials, participated in an act of remembrance and engaged with a classroom-based activity that expanded their knowledge of wartime life.
Year 4 went Compton Verney to have a Viking day experience. They were split into 5 groups and experienced building a wall using the method "wattle and daub". They made dough for flat bread. They constructed homes using long branches. They looked at Viking artefacts . Finally, they had a go at creating a spark so they could start a "fire". They lit a small cotton ball with the spark they created.
To conclude their science topic of Earth and space, Year 5 visited Jodrell Bank in Spring term 2024. We were able to use what we had learnt in school when we were in the space dome and also become inspired by the countless exhibits at the UNESCO World Heritage site.
Another massive thank you to Weddy Friends for funding a truly outstanding whole school panto performance of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children (and staff) all loved it and it really got us all in to the festive spirit!
Weddy Friends kindly provided the funding that allowed us to bring coding to life for the KS1 children by providing them with a truly fantastic robotic experience. Do begin the day, Nao the humanoid robot danced with the children and told them all about himeself in the hope of inspiring children to learn and about jobs and computing roles for the future. Following this exciting meet and great, children learnt how to build and programme their own talking robot, using Lego WeDo2 and iPads. The children had a wonderful time and were able to use their previous coding learning to really engage with the robots and programming.
Year 4 went on a trip to the local church (St James') to explore symbolism to support them with their RE learning. They were able to further understand the symbols in the Christmas story, as well as ask Reverend Adrian about other important symbols within Christianity, such as the crucifix and the dove. The children also learnt that St James' Church has a special symbol of a shell too.
Children had an exciting visit from the Innovation Pod team where they found out how to both code and drive robotic cars.
To support Year 6's coding topic, they undertook Micro:bit training.This training involved them creating codes that allowed them to use the devices for both fun and health purposes. Firstly, teams coded an algorithm that turned their devices in to a game called rocket / asteroid / black hole (a little like rock / paper /scissors), before challenging their classmates to duals. After lots of fun with this activity, they then considered how they could use the devices for fitness gains. After sharing lots of great ideas, they went on to create algorithms that turned their Micro:bits in to step counters and other fitness measuring devices.
Later in the week, they had some amazing Amazon professionals zoom in to their classrooms. During these sessions, they found out about technology and engineering careers prospects and how they could become the next Amazon superstars.