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Support for parents and families

At Weddington Primary School, we have a strong ethos in not only supporting children that attend our school, but also their parents and families too. We may be able to offer further support for your child and family via Early Help or outside agencies such as Connect 4 Health (school nursing team), RISE, Occupational Therapy, Specialist Teaching Services and the Educational Psychologist service. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you require any advice or support that school may be able to help with.

Please find below a range of websites and contact details that are available for you to access the relevant support and advice for your child and family. 

Useful links for Parent support

Family Information Service

Advice for family with children aged 0-25 years old across Warwickshire.

01926 742274

Family Lives

Advice on all aspects of parenting


Children and Young People
For Parents
Counselling and Bereavement Services