Curriculum Intent statement for Religious Education
Religious Education (RE) at Weddington is an integral part of our curriculum:
- It provides the children with the opportunity to explore and understand a range of worldviews
- including, but not restricted to, religious beliefs, practices, and traditions.
- Our RE curriculum is aligned with the Coventry and Warwickshire SACRE syllabus, ensuring a
- comprehensive and engaging approach to learning about religion and worldviews through exploratory
- learning.
- Weddy students access our ambitious RE curriculum through adopting the roles of a theologian,
- philosopher, historian and human and social scientist, and on occasion as literary and art critics.
- The curriculum has been designed and adapted to compliment Weddington’s Values and Vision
- ensuring the children recognise the value of Religious Education and their own and other’s
- worldviews, therefore encouraging greater tolerance of differences.

Religious Education at Weddington