Homework should be regarded as an integral part of the whole school experience. It is fundamental to each pupil reaching his or her full potential and gives parents an insight into the work their child is currently undertaking and difficulties they may be experiencing. Homework will concentrate mainly on English and Maths but projects linked to themes are also popular. Children will also be encouraged to learn spellings and times tables and practise their reading. At times, children may be asked to undertake some form of research. We ask parents to support our homework policy by encouraging their children to complete homework on time and to support their children where necessary. Children in our school, who receive this support from their parents, make more progress than other children.
When setting homework, teachers will take into account the individual needs of the child. Homework is designed to complement and support children’s learning, not be an obstacle in the path of their having a fuller social life. Some homework may be challenging while, at other times, may be designed to reinforce previous learning.
The work sent home from school is indicated in different year groups below. Reading and its associated skills are enhanced by help at home. Young readers need to regularly enjoy sharing a book with their parents. Older, more experienced, readers need to read widely. We ask that parents document and sign children’s Reading Record books regularly.
Homes have a critical role to play as children can: -
A home reader is sent home weekly with a Reading Record book in which parents can make comments and help their children to practise reading skills/knowledge. Later on, in the year your child will also bring home a Read Write Inc reading book that they have been using in class that week.
There will be two reading books sent in your homework pack each week:
Once you have read the banded book, please indicate this in your Reading Record. Please read these books as much as possible, as it helps to build up fluency.
We also encourage you to read books that you have at home and record them in your Reading Record.
The more the better!
Homework Menu
Each term, there will be a selection of homework activities inside your homework book. You will need to select one each week to complete. You can record these inside the homework book, send pictures via dojo or send in any of your creations. Once you have completed an activity, you can tick it off the ‘menu’.
There will also be a set of spellings included within the homework book. You can practise them inside the book or in a way that suits you. Spellings will be built up over the terms.
There will be a spelling test each week on a Friday. We will send your results via a message on myed.
A reading book with a Reading Record book in which parents can make comments and help their children to practise key skills/knowledge. If children are still on the Read Write Inc. programme they will also have a RWI book.
Maths/ English
Homework will be sent home on Friday each week. Please return to school by the following Wednesday.
Weekly spellings sent home to learn. Spellings can also be accessed on Spelling Shed, where children can practise by playing games online. Spelling tests are on a Friday, and your teacher will send your child's spellings score to you through your reading record.
The children will bring home their ‘home reader’ book each night. We expect the children to read a minimum of three times per week and ask that you sign their red reading journal each time.
Children have alternate English and Maths homework each week. Some pieces may be set online or be a paper-based piece of homework. This alternates each week.
The children will bring home weekly spellings. Spellings can also be accessed on Spelling Shed, where children can practise by playing games online.
The children are sometimes set project homework tasks throughout the school year.
The children will bring home their ‘home reader’ book each night. We expect the children to read a minimum of three times per week and ask that you sign their red reading journal each time.
Children have English/grammar homework once a fortnight which alternates with maths
Maths is set once a fortnight (paper based) along with arithmetic papers for year 6.
Children will be set two larger projects to complete over an extended period which will be directly linked to their topic/theme work.
The children will bring home weekly spellings. Spellings can also be accessed on Spelling Shed, where children can practise by playing games online.