These figures are published to conform with the Education Pupils’ Attendance Records Regulations 1991. The figures are intended to show the levels of authorised and unauthorised absence recorded for pupils of compulsory school age. Some of the percentages do not total 100 due to rounding.
Number of registered pupils on roll July 2024 - 448
Percentage of 0.5 days (sessions) authorised absence – 3.79%
Percentage of 0.5 days (sessions) unauthorised absence – 1.18%
Attendance for the period 95.03% - Target not achieved.
Target Overall Absence 4.0% - achieved 4.97%
Target for 2024-2025 will be – 96.0%
Number of registered pupils on roll July 2023 - 463
Percentage of 0.5 days (sessions) authorised absence – 4.12%
Percentage of 0.5 days (sessions) unauthorised absence – 1.24%
Attendance for the period 94.64% - Target not achieved.
Target Overall Absence 4.1% - achieved 5.36%
New target for 2023-2024 will be – 96.0%
Number of registered pupils on roll July 2022 - 449
Percentage of 0.5 days (sessions) authorised absence – 3.89%
Percentage of 0.5 days (sessions) unauthorised absence -0.87%
Attendance for the period 95.24% - Target not achieved.
Target Overall Absence 4.1% - achieved 4.76%
Target for 2022-2023 will be the same as last year – 95.9%
Number of registered pupils on roll July 2021 - 448
Percentage of 0.5 days (sessions) authorised absence 3.08%
Percentage of 0.5 days (sessions) unauthorised absence 0.49%
Attendance for the period 96.43% - Target achieved.
Target Overall Absence 4.1% - achieved 3.57 %
Target for 2021-2022 will be the same as last year – 95.9%