The Governing Body of Weddington Primary School is made up of a group of people who are passionate about ensuring all children at our School reach their full potential. Governors work closely with a whole range of stakeholders including the children, parents, staff, the local community and the local authority to make sure the School provides the best education and learning experience possible.
Governors are responsible for a wide range of things including the curriculum, finances, health and safety and staffing arrangements. They meet four times a year as a full governing body and also hold two committee meetings each term for Resources Committee and Performance and Standards Committee. In addition Governors attend various school events and meetings. Each Governor serves on the governing body for a period of four years after which time they become eligible for re-election.
Governors are always looking for like minded people to join the Governing Body. If you are interested in joining or would like to contact any of the Governors, then please email our chair of governors, Gwyneth Evans at