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Educational Visits

Educational Visits at Weddington Primary School

Here at Weddington, we pride ourselves on delivering high quality trips that are fully risk assessed with reference to activities and individual cohorts. Every planned educational trip and visitor will directly link to the theme/topic that the children are learning about as well as a phase end of year residential trip for Year 6 to PGL.

Why are trips important?

  • Out of classroom learning makes a unique contribution to a child’s education, offering fantastic opportunities and rewards to both children and teachers alike.
  • Helps to enrich the curriculum and improve educational attainment.
  • Boosts self-esteem and motivation.
  • Develops Key Skills.
  • Assists in developing and enhancing social skills.
  • Promotes health, fitness, fun and enjoyment.
  • Help to build stronger links between schools and communities.
  • Broaden a child’s horizons and their knowledge of the world around them.

Our past visits can be viewed by following this link:

Educational Trips and Visits at Weddington