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Digital Heroes

Weddington Primary School's 'Digital Hero' team

Logo Competition

Following a very tight vote, our new logo has been chosen (see above) - Well done to Hugo and James :-)

Also, well done to Amelia for coming a very close second place with her logo below.

Online Safety Stop Motion Animations

Once again, this wonderful team of children have independently scripted, scultped and shot some amazing stop motion animation films that highlight some of the difficulties children may face online.

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Online Safety Role Plays

This year's Digital Heroes team have come up with some amazing role plays that highlight the importance of being kind to others online and talking to an adult when something goes wrong.

Playing nicely

Our Year 5 & 6 have made a video depicted the consquences of being unkind when playing games.

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Unkind messages

Remember ... not everyone likes the same things and we should be respectful of other peoples choices. If someone is being unkind to you about the choices you are making, speak to an adult straight away.

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Think of Others

Please don't stamp on other people's creativity. It can really hurt their feelings! Remember, not everyone has the same thoughts as you, please play nicely together.

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Online Safety Presentation

While some of our Digital Heroes chose to present their online safety messages through role plays, 2 of our Digital Heroes researched and created this amazing PowerPoint (which they are going to deliver to their classes in Year 3 & 4).

Work completed by the 2022/2023 Team

Digital Lessons

Following a group discussion to identify which online safety issues were most prominent in each year group, the Digital Heroes split off into teams to research each area. They then used their research to design, create and delivered presentations which were filmed so they could be distributed to each year group ready for their Summer 2 online safety lessons. 

Year 3 - Age appropriate games

By William and Eva from Weddington's Digital Heroes

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Year 4 - Cyberbullying

By Vinnie and Morris from Weddington's Digital Heroes.

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Year 5 - Consent

By Isabelle, Finley and Zach from Weddinton's Digital Heroes

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Year 6 - Social Media

By Dexter and Ella from Weddinton's Digital Heroes

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Digital Shorts

Dexter's 'Digital Short' provides advice about mean messaging and can be accessed by clicking on the image above. 

Morris & Ella's 'Digital Short' provides advice about cyberbullying and can be accessed by clicking on the image above. 

Vinnie and Isabelle's 'Digital Short' provides advice about watching videos online and can be accessed by clicking on the image above. 

Finley's 'Digital Short' provides advice about online scams and can be accessed by clicking on the image above. 

William's 'Digital Short' provides advice about PEGI ratings and can be accessed by clicking on the image above. 

Logo Competition

After deciding we were lacking a logo, the Digital Heroes all came up with their own idea for a new logo. These were then submitted anonymously to Mrs Kershaw for judging. Well done to Isabelle for having her logo chosen and to Ella, Dexter and Morris for being selected as runners up.

Contact Mrs Haw

If you have any concerns or queries relating to online safety, please use this form to contact Mrs Haw. If you are a parent, she will contact you through school contact options, or if you are a child, she will pop and see you in school.

Safer Internet Day 2023

A massive well done to my wonderful Digital Heroes team for their outstanding whole school assembly. They confidently spoke about what Safer Internet Day was before having discussions about all the fun that can be had online and the importance of talking to someone when we need help with any online issues.

Be respectful online and offline

A Digital Heroes Animation. Don't let the little things get out of hand, speak to an adult and ask for help. Written, designed, performed and animated by Weddington Primary School's Digital Hero Team.

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Digital Heroes' Guides to ...


Safer Internet Day 2022 - 8th February 2022

This week, we celebrated Safer Internet Day.

To explore this year's theme 'All fun and games?', children across the school watched assemblies created by our 'Digital Heroes' team and completed a range of thought-provoking activities . The assemblies and activities allowed them time to consider the importance of being respectful online and helped them learn how to be sensible and safe users of the internet (especially in relation to games).

Following on from our lessons this week, please take some time to have a chat with your children to find out what they enjoy doing online. One of the most important steps to keeping your children safe online is understanding their online use and letting them know you are interested in what they do and that they can come and speak to you about their worries.

Competition Winners

As part of our Safer Internet Day celebrations, the children were asked to create entries for Warwickshire's annual SID competition. This year, KS1 children were asked to create masked videos which included a piece of advice they learnt from hearing our Digital Heroes read Digiduck and the Magic Castle. While KS2 children were asked to create a poster that showed how they would #PlayTheirPart in creating a better internet.

We had so many wonderful entries from KS2 that it was incredibly hard to pick the 1 to submit. But, after much deliberation, the winning entries were:

KS1 winning entry - Amelia 2EJ

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KS2 Winning entry - Mitch 6SB

KS2 Runner up - Dayton 4DC