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Class Dojo

In response to feedback from our September parent survey, we have made the decision to move away from Marvellous Me and back to Class Dojo for sharing and celebration of your child's achievements.

Please be aware that, while there is an option on Class Dojo to message class teachers directly, Dojo must not be used for messaging teachers. If you do need to message teachers or contact school, we ask that you continue to use MyEd messaging or contact the school office directly. Any messages sent on Dojo will not be responded to directly, although you may receive a response reminding you of the official channels you can use for your communication. We hope you understand this measure will ensure our messaging system remains secure and streamlined, enabling us to efficiently and effectively deal with your communications.

If you are not already a member of MyEd, details of how you can sign up can be found here:

To connect with your child on Dojo, please follow the link below and sign up using their teachers name and then your child's full name. Once you have requested a connection to your child, your child's class teacher will review your request and connect you with your child. Please note, these connections will not be made until the new year.